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Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
May 24, 20192 min read
Trust You
Dear Student, We've made it to that time of the year. You have your final exams, and I have meetings in preparation for the next term. My...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Nov 23, 20183 min read
You, Medicine, & Cultural Awareness
Dear Student, This week, I am writing this letter to share with you an incredible resource for the holiday break. As our semester ends, I...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Nov 2, 20183 min read
Do you still...
Dear Student, How are you this week? Today, I want to remind you of an important activity that can help you perform better on your exams,...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Oct 12, 20183 min read
You + X = Achievement
Dear Student, How are you this week? I hope that you are taking the advice I offered you in my previous entries to heart. Remember it is...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Sep 29, 20183 min read
3 Reasons to GO TO CLASS!
Dear Student, How are you? Yes, it’s me again. You know, the professor with the long dreadlocks who you frequently mistake for another...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Sep 15, 20183 min read
Dear Student,
I appreciate you taking the time to come and meet with me during office hours. It is a pleasure to get to know more about you and your...
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