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Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Feb 143 min read
Before Super Bowl Sunday and After Valentine's Friday
Surprised, upset, or elated? How did you feel after Super Bowl LIX? I hope you came out ahead if you put money or a friendly bet on the...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Oct 25, 20243 min read
Clarity, Sacrifice, Achieve
What sacrifices are you willing to make? Consider a goal and the anticipated result. To achieve the outcome, you must let something go....

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Jun 28, 20242 min read
Dear Dad,
It’s been five days. How are you feeling? Do you miss Los Angeles and the process of preparing for your next sermon? Fifty years of...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Mar 22, 20244 min read
Lost in the Woods
We arrived at the hiking leader's home at 5:33 AM. She was already in her car and ready to leave. While pulling up behind her, I looked...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Jan 19, 20244 min read
Quiet times Quiet mind
Where do you do your best thinking? Do you prefer coffee shops, libraries, or private offices? Perhaps you're not pinned to any...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Dec 15, 20232 min read
Dear Zu,
You told me not to do this. But after I reminded you that I could die tomorrow, you excused my desire to write you this letter. Thank...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Aug 11, 20232 min read
Your Pain
When was the last time you experienced pain? We know pain can surface in physical and emotional forms. Perhaps, you are going through a...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Jun 16, 20233 min read
Fathers and This Day
Sunday is our day. It's Father's Day, and perhaps we should anticipate a proper celebration for the work we do year-round to support our...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
May 19, 20233 min read
Chat, Talk, Lecture
“Dad, have you heard of this thing called AI Chat?” “No, what’s that?” “It’s not ChatGpt. It helps you respond to someone when they say...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Dec 16, 20223 min read
For Zu at Twelve
This week you turned twelve years old. Last Friday, you complained about a sore right leg. Twice, you stopped swimming practice early...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Nov 18, 20223 min read
Small Planes, Medium Fins, and Big Shoes
Have you ever sat on a chartered plane? If not, let me tell you that outside of the additional fees, it's similar to a commercial flight....

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Oct 28, 20223 min read
Splash. Does reading the word splash conjure feelings of water hitting you in the face? Perhaps, it makes you think about the puddle...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Aug 5, 20222 min read
Mkazo at 9
Dear Kazo, I am writing this from the Miami airport. Your mom took you and your siblings to play in the airport’s indoor playground. We...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Jun 24, 20223 min read
Fridays after Father's Day
“Pick up the pillows. Get the pillows off the floor.” Of course, you must repeat yourself multiple times to complete a single task. This...

Jun 3, 20223 min read
4 Emery at 10
Today is your 10th birthday! Last week, you told me that it was your last week as a 9-year-old. Thank you for the reminder. Yesterday, we...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
May 13, 20223 min read
Samuels Today, You Tomorrow
I did something that I don’t like to do first thing in the morning. Instead of grabbing my journal, I reached for the phone and checked...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Dec 17, 20212 min read
Dear Zu,
Today you turn 11 years old. It’s hard to believe my little girl is making one more step toward becoming a woman. Every year on this day,...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Oct 29, 20213 min read
Scare Yourself!
Is Halloween a big thing in your house? In Antigua and Barbuda, people are familiar with Halloween, but it is not popular like in the...

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Aug 27, 20214 min read
The Visit to Another World
You might think that wearing a face mask will prepare you to scuba dive. During a dive, you wear goggles with a mask that covers your nose.

Vernon C. Lindsay, PhD
Jul 30, 20212 min read
"Likle Messi"
Dear Kazo, This weekend, you turn eight years old. Happy Birthday! Time is moving almost as quickly as your legs in a race. This year,...
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