What if you only had ten more days to live? Would you concern yourself with Trump's lies, Justice Thomas' ethics, Kendrick Lamar and Drake's beef, or current NBA standings? The chances are unlikely that any of these topics would concern you.
You would prioritize spending as much time as possible with your family and ensuring your affairs are in order. No excuse would validate missing your child's game. You wouldn't leave the house without kissing your spouse and ensuring they could access important documents.
You might also spend time with a minister or doctor to see if extending your life beyond ten days is possible.
Things would be different if our lives were about to end. The lies we tell ourselves about all the time we have left to do ___X___ is foolish. A universal truth is that humans don't know when they will die.
Similar to birth, we have limited control of natural deaths.
Where did this morbid message come from? These ideas sparked in a dark place.
Every morning, before the sun rises, I wake up. First, I give thanks for another day, use the bathroom, and brush my teeth. To avoid disturbing my wife, I quietly dress in the dark and close the door.
Once outside my bedroom, I let the cat out and start my routine. Most mornings begin the same way: I drink water, walk the dog, journal, and warm up with capoeira before exercise.
Something lingered in the air last Saturday before I started this blog post. It was thinner than a morning’s mist and thicker than an evening’s dew. I couldn't touch it, but it was there.
I brushed it off, locked the gate behind me, and hit the roads. One stride at a time, I moved down Antigua's pre-dawn streets.
"Yeah, mon. Respect," I greeted the usual cyclists on one of my routes as I jogged at a slower recovery pace. Once I passed the cyclists, it came back to me.
The thing that I sensed but couldn't smell, touch, or see returned. A version of the introductory inquiry popped into my head. What if this is the final ten?
The question transcended the distance I planned to run. It exceeded preparing for an upcoming half-marathon race. I envisioned my death.
Superfluous perceptions of legacy clouded my vision.
Do you ever think about legacy? In addition to material possessions, what will you leave beyond?
The quest for specificity in legacy drove me to run another mile. I continued searching for the right responses to one of life's biggest queries.
When I returned home, I quickly stretched, grabbed the car keys, and took the children to their swim practice. I didn't stop to process my run.
Later that day, My family and I went to a local beach for a boat excursion. We played, talked, and enjoyed time with friends.
It wasn't until yesterday, after running again, that I clarified answers to the opening question of this blog post. If I only had ten more days, there's little that I would change. I would work less, love more, and appreciate every moment in between.
Running or writing may help you think clearly about priorities. If you're unable to move or write due to an injury, age, interest, or ability, sit still. There's power in contemplation.
Perhaps your last ten days are related to Trump, Clarence Thomas, hip-hop feuds, or the NBA. You do have some control over how you spend every day. Do whatever helps you find peace and improves someone else's life.
Before you start this weekend, take less than 10 minutes to subscribe here and watch the video below. Both resources might help you understand your life's purpose by only pressing a button.
Get things 'in order' comes to mind. Then, why not enjoy the ride/run? Most I have experience with have as a pastor is 1-10 days. Problem is that those days are frequently in pain, maybe dread, maybe guilt, maybe despair. However, 3 in hospice recovered from Stage 3 pancreatic cancer, through group prayer, and care. So, very few can mark 10 days with certainty... Best seems to live each day as if it is our last, and love conquers all. Hopefully.