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4 Practical Personal Development Based Tools to Help Build an Online Business


Are you sick and tired of fighting the commute every single morning in route to your job? Do you wish that you could save a few extra dollars each month on gas, by not having to report to a physical location for work? Does a lifestyle that enables you to work from anywhere in the world appeal to you in any fashion? If you've answered yes to any one of these questions, then possibly the online market might be the space for you to explore entrepreneurship.

My goal in this article is not to convince you to pursue any of the online entrepreneurial trends, including Bitcoins. It is to provide you with practical advice applicable to any field that you might find yourself exploring as an online business owner. Are the following recommendations an exclusive list? No, but they can enable you to identify a profitable venture that uniquely highlights your contributions to the market.

What are 4 tools to help build an online business?

1. Identify a problem and commit to your product or service.

Whether you are hoping to open a location dependent, brick and mortar storefront, or an online, location independent company, it is important for you to be clear about your reasons for starting a business. It is a given that you want to make money and gain financial freedom. However, your reasons for beginning a business will have to transcend money to push you through the moments when the journey toward success becomes difficult. My recommendation is to start with identifying a problem and then create time in your schedule every day to convince yourself that the product or service you provide will make a positive impact.

2. Use social media as a tool to build community.

It is one thing to post cool pics and videos of your life via Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, or another social media platform and something different to use social media as a tool build a business. Yes, there will remain opportunities to share personal content, but if you want to build a successful online business, it will be more important for you to make use of social media as a tool to build community and interests in your products and services. To create the type of community who may become customers, taking the initiative to comment on the content published by others and staying consistent with your posts are critical actions to achieve your goals. Consumers are more likely to purchase online products from people they trust, and social media can be an excellent resource to establish credibility.


3. Hire a business coach who has a history of online entrepreneurship.

The decision to work with a business coach can save you time and money. Hiring a successful business coach might sound like an optional expense for startups and online companies that do not have the initial investor capital that some brick and mortar entrepreneurial ventures receive. However, a business coach with experiences in online products or services can help you make strategic decisions and avoid many of the failures that are frequently part of new companies. It is important that when selecting a business coach, she/he is someone who has success with a similar product or service sold online because they can offer advice from their experiences in the market.

4. Choose a platform to host your goods and services.

Whether you decide to create a website or find a platform to host your business, customers need to find your products and services online! I am strategically offering you this piece of advice last because the suggestions mentioned above are critical to establishing the necessary foundation that can lead to online success.

Identifying a problem, being strategic about social media, hiring a business coach, and selecting a platform to host your products or services are four ways to build an online business. Are there additional options to create a sustainable lifestyle with an online company? Yes, other methods can lead to success in this rapidly changing market. With any entrepreneurial venture, you will encounter unexpected challenges in route to your desired outcomes. For you to push beyond the urges to quit, it is imperative to consistently seek opportunities for personal development which can remind you of the reasons that you decided to change from the employee to employer.

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