It was 4:30 AM when I heard my office door swing open. My middle child was awake and needed his nebulizer for a breathing treatment to resolve challenges with his asthma. Without hesitation, I stopped a writing project and tended to his needs.
I wasn't angry with my son for interrupting my work because on most mornings I am awake by 3:30 AM and in my routine. Crazy? 3:30 AM! It's not uncommon for me to be up this early because I am often in the bed by 8:30 PM. It takes discipline and sacrifices to keep up with this schedule, but I would not change it for the world.
Waking early to complete activities for clarity before work and anyone else in the house empowers me to be more productive. Since transitioning to a consistent morning routine, I finished a book, wrote dozens of articles, improved my physical health, and grew a more intimate relationship with God. My morning routine has also empowered me to have more patience in the daily challenges that come with partnering to raise three small children.
When my son awakened much earlier than his usual time, it surprised me, but as aforementioned, I didn't get upset. I stopped what I was doing to make sure he was feeling better, and then returned to work. Progress was made on that day because I had the clarity to stop work, take care of my son's needs and get back to my project. This clarity originated with waking up at the same hour and investing time to take care of my essential mental, spiritual, and physical needs.
Throughout March, I have used my platforms to discuss the importance of discipline. With this culminating piece on the topic, I want to encourage you to look for more ways to apply the concepts and strategies I have shared, to your life. We often have discipline in one area of our life, with activities we enjoy, and not as frequent in other critical components of our life.
For years, I embraced consistency with making time for exercise and struggled with schedules that required a daily writing habit. Thanks to the Faculty Success Program, I knew the importance of making thirty minutes to write each day for success in the academic field. Nonetheless, I continued to put time for fitness activities before I sat down to write. The result of this decision led to limited progress on articles and book projects.
He told me to think of the writing projects as an exercise for the brain and to create a commitment similar to the physical activities I enjoy for the body.
There was a mentor who helped me change my habits to increase productivity in my work. He told me to think of the writing projects as an exercise for the brain and to create a commitment similar to the physical activities I enjoy for the body. With his advice, I gradually made writing more of a priority and established Capoeira, lifting weights, and running as rewards for the mental fitness sessions.
When you apply discipline to multiple areas of your life, the possibilities are endless. You can see growth and improvement in the key sectors of your business and personal relationships. Disciplined thinking around problems and solutions can empower innovation in products and services. It can also enable the achievement of goals in your professional and private life.
Today, I want you to think about the strong and weak practices that guide your daily decisions. Is there room for improvement? (If you are alive, the answer is yes!) It is possible; you will need an accountability partner, mentor, or coach to help you identify how to reframe your priorities. The mentors and coaches in my life have contributed to significant growth in my life.
If you have not had an opportunity to explore my course, take a look! There is a video where I offer more strategies to help you create a structured morning routine that can enable you to experience less stress and more satisfaction in your life.
Thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy your Saturday!