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Happy Friday and Monday!


It’s Friday! Yes, and I want you to start thinking about Monday. Did I just kill your vibe? I want to help you, so please just read on for the next five minutes.

Many of us dread Monday mornings. The waking up early, the long commute, a full day in the office with multiple responsibilities make up the different parts of Monday, we wish to avoid. We hate Mondays so bad that we pick fights like clockwork with our spouses on Sunday evenings.

These feelings are common. A significant number of us work jobs that do not fulfill our desires to live life on our terms. We show up for work every Monday and begin the countdown until Friday.

Well, I want you to try and do something different this weekend. If you are willing to commit to these suggestions, they will help you ease the transition to Monday morning.

For starters, I need you to grab your phone or whatever device you use as an alarm throughout the week. With this alarm, I want you to program it for tomorrow and Sunday to wake you up at the same time that you would throughout the week to get ready for work.


I know it’s the weekend and you want to sleep in for an extra hour, or two, or three. I understand. And, please know you must resist this temptation. Sleeping in on the weekend makes it hard to get up on Monday.

If you do decide to wake up earlier than your usual time, you might feel like you have nothing to do at that time of day. I suggest you use the time to revisit your goals or work on a project that requires significant concentration. The mornings can offer a critical opportunity, distraction-free, to identify strategies aligned with happiness, success, and fulfillment. The earliest hours of the day can encourage the extraction of the purest forms of creativity buried in our brains.


Using an alarm to get up on the weekends is hard when you want to sleep in, but this act of discipline can make your life easy.


If you want to see progress in your business, professional, or personal relationships, start your day early. The mornings are a great time to work on your business plan. If you didn’t finish something from work the day before, an early rise offers you time to get it done. If you want to cook your partner breakfast in bed, then you must get up before they decide to start their day.

Now if you have adopted the belief that you work better at night, then use your evenings as you would a productive morning. I simply ask that you don’t work late at night on Sundays, because…Monday.

Many of our most successful leaders take advantage of the early morning hours to make progress on their goals and work on the most challenging tasks aligned with growth. What will you do? If you want to create more habits aligned with leadership, hire me as your coach. I enjoy helping people just like you!

If you're not ready for individualized coaching services, use my course for more suggestions to help you realize your full potential.

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