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Thinking, Deciding, and Acting!


Do you want to begin a business? Is entrepreneurialism calling you every day as you clock-in at your job? The advice I am going to offer you will help you in taking the first step to become a successful entrepreneur.

We often make things more complicated than necessary. A robust business plan of three-hundred pages, $500,000 in the bank, and a team of advisors are what some of us believe is required to start a corporation, limited liability company, or other business entity.

Yes you will need resources, but to begin a business, the first step is to decide to start. This decision to respond to intuition is how Jeff Bezos built Amazon, and Daymond John created Fubu, The Shark Group, and Blueprint + Co. Similar to other entrepreneurs, they chose to begin and aligned their actions with daily progress.


Building a successful business does not require superpowers.


Les Brown, the motivational speaker and entrepreneur, is once quoted as saying, “you don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” Essentially, Brown is saying that to realize potential in business, our relationships, and other activities, we must avoid procrastination at all costs.

Do you think that without money, you cannot get started on your business plan? Writing a business plan does not require a financial investment. It does require your time, strategic reflection on the current needs of the market, and someone you can trust to give you honest feedback.

Yes, expenses are inevitable in business, but you do not need any additional investors other than your current job. As Jeff Goins writes in his latest book, Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age, many successful people have discovered how to use their current professions to support their entrepreneurial projects. In a job, Goins notes we have the potential to acquire valuable skills and the opportunity to earn a consistent paycheck to support creative interests and startup costs.


No, I’m not advocating that you steal from your current employer to start a business. I am pleading that you use your job as a resource to meet your financial needs and to develop the skill set necessary to succeed in business. In your current financial and physical location, is where you need to initiate the work to begin a company.

Regardless of the field where you work, you can learn and develop leadership skills. The abilities to think and act as a leader are essential characteristics to possess in the creation of an influential company. In your current job, look for initiatives to lead. Volunteer for special projects. Seek mentorship from a senior co-worker. Each of these activities can offer valuable qualities that can lend toward additional income creating opportunities.

Dig deep into your passions and expose resources to integrate products and services. Successful businesses often begin with identifying a problem followed-by proposing a solution. Think about ways to incorporate your strong interests into a commodity that can fulfill a need. When you discover your unique niche, then it is time to test your business ideas in the market.


Who is in your Coil? Think about the people you know or as former Coldwell Banker EVP George Campbell advocates, engage your Coil. In Campbell’s book, The Surprising Power of The Coil, he indicates that every person has a coil or an intricate network of connections intentionally built over time that can open doors to opportunities. Your coil may include a professional network, family, friends, and other supporters who champion your ideas.

Each new entrepreneurial opportunity starts with a thought and continues with massive actions divided into smaller pieces and pursued over time. Perseverance accompanied with experiences can offer lessons unattainable in classrooms. Building a company is difficult, but you must believe that anything is possible with the gift of life you possess.

Yes, it is possible you will fail, but failing does not make you a failure. Failures are often the required tuition payments to learn a new skill. Many of the economic giants we admire are the products of relentless pursuits to accomplish the perceived impossible. They failed multiple times before succeeding in their fields.

Dedicating time for the business is often the hardest part of creating long-term sustainable income as an entrepreneur. But once you establish a disciplined schedule and get into a rhythm of daily progress, following through with the business plan or seeking prospective clients can be easier than you think. The work is strenuous, but worth every ounce of your strength when your dreams transfer from the intangible to tangible.

As Mel Robbins, author of the five-second rule states, “hesitation is the kiss of death.” If you are an employee, but wish to fill the role as employer, I hope you follow the advice offered in this piece. There exists legit barriers to building an entrepreneurial lifestyle, but you must move from thinking to acting on your gut feelings. You got this, now get to work!

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