I did it! This entry is my 100th blog post. To celebrate this milestone, I am offering $100 off my online self-paced personal development course, Frequency: Personal Development 100.
This coupon is available for 24 hours only!
While living in Mexico, I began this blog to motivate you, share my writings, and build brand awareness. Since 2017, it has served as a personal accountability measure, an inspiration resource, and as a tool to help me engage in critical conversations with you.
Thank you for being here. As I review some of my earlier blog posts, I realize that many of my entries are works in progress. They offer you a good start to creating lasting success in your personal and professional life. Despite my best efforts, some have grammatical mistakes and typos, preventing clarity of the intended message. Others are on point! They give you great practical strategies that can help you along your journey to reaching your human potential.
I read every comment you post. If you share it on your social media profiles, I do my best also to say thank you. When you send me emails in response, I make time to reply.
My overarching goal with this blog is to add value to your life.
I don’t want to be a nuisance by writing irrelevant blog posts. Please, let me know if I begin to slip in my ability to speak to you. With each week, I aim to publish content that encourages awareness, enhances your leadership skills, and inspires you to be the best version of yourself.
When I started this blog, I shared four entries every week. Then I decided three posts per week was sufficient to get my messages out. Over time and after learning more about blogging, I chose one post per week was sustainable and effective in connecting with you.
Here is a glimpse of my blog writing process.
I create a draft of the post on Monday mornings and then return to review it later in the week. On Wednesdays, I revise and edit. I use the Grammarly online tool for catching mistakes. Friday mornings I go through it a few more times, before posting it on my site.
One of the things I’ve learned about blogging is that shorter posts are often better received. I am adhering to this advice and ensuring this entry is under 500 words.
Celebrate 100 with me and take advantage of this code to receive $100 off my personal development course. The lessons and strategies shared in the course derive from the challenges I encountered with moving abroad, growing my leadership skills, experiencing business failure, and discovering the greatness inside me to persevere.
Below is a screenshot of the course’s curriculum.
Click any one of these pics and enroll in the course now for only 47 USD!! (That's $100 off the regular price, and it's only available for 24 hours)