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22 Goals


During the first week of the new year, most of us will start a game. We create goals to tackle over the next 365 days with good intentions. However, we are playing with ourselves because we don't identify the necessary support to reach the end zone and win at achieving our goals.

If you want more success in 2022, make time to clarify what you want and create accountability in yourself, with another person, and possibly a group.

Last year, I enrolled in the Annual Clarity Retreat course available inside The Joy Collective. This retreat brings academics together in a virtual platform to support each other in personal and professional interests. For four weeks, a former professor turned entrepreneur and mentor of mine, Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore, leads the group through a series of questions and life probing assignments.

In 2021, I participated in The Joy Collective's triad accountability groups after the Annual Clarity Retreat. I didn't enjoy attending the weekly meetings because it interfered with my schedule and pushed me to explain my shortcomings. But, each triad was just what I needed to make progress on most of the goals I identified as important at the start of last year.

If you're serious about your goals, you must be willing to grab a seat and have dinner with uncomfortable. Outside your comfort zone is where growth begins.

Let's say holistic health fitness gains are among your goals for this year. With the new strands of coronavirus estimated to take more lives, investments in your mind, body, and soul can pay unprecedented dividends.

Let's say, on the surface, you want to increase muscle mass and lose body fat. An optimal way to make this happen is to dedicate consistent time to working out and eating healthy foods. This goal requires investing in weights and cardio activities, through a gym or from home, and prioritizing meal planning.

Who wants to go to the gym or exercise outdoors with freezing temperatures outside? My sister sent me this pic below of the temperature outside her car this week in Chicago!

Who wants to spend two hours on a cold Sunday planning their meals for the week? Someone determined to meet their health goals will exercise despite the weather and block off an afternoon to prepare food for each week in 2022.

This person can be you if you’re willing to tap into the powers of sacrifice, discipline, and dedication. But, if it gets cold like in the picture, do some push-ups, crunches, or eat a healthy meal while you watch tv inside!

I am far from a perfect human being. My fitness goals include building more muscle, increasing flexibility, improving cardio endurance, and giving my body adequate time to rest and recover. To achieve these goals, I am updating my workout schedule and aiming to do better about getting to bed at the same time on most nights.

This year, I also want to publish my first novel. Through The Joy Collective, I joined a writing group for support with revising, editing, and adhering to the demands of the publication process.

As much as I love writing, I have my moments. There are mornings when I don't want to sit or stand in front of my computer and type. My nemesis, Mr. Resistance, lures me into laying down on the couch, organizing my office, or exercising, before starting the day’s writing tasks.

On most days, the hero, a better version of myself, defeats Mr. Resistance, but there are times when I lose. When this happens, I resurge the next day or later in the afternoon with my sidekicks of sacrifice, discipline, and dedication. Together, we often smash resistance and his cronies of distraction!

Progress on the goals you’ve identified for 2022 is possible with accountability, good health, and determination. It won't be easy, but challenges make our goals and lives meaningful.

Drop one of your goals below in the comments and share this post with one person if the message resonates with you.


One more section of medical questions per month, but no running for me. However, adding a mile each month to your goal will exceed it. Over training probably is worth it if one is healthy.

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I'm a little behind on responding to comments. Congrats, Dr. Parrish you're almost there to your dream - PhD. MD! Thanks for reading and the encouraging responses as always.

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