How will you end these final weeks of 2023? Will you accomplish goals to finish strong and start 2024 with internal fireworks to match the New Year's Eve celebrations? Perhaps your vacation begins today, but you want to continue working on several projects.
This post will share three strategies helpful for recovery and productivity.
You’ve followed my blog this year, so I assume you know how I plan to close 2023 and start 2024.
If you're new here, welcome and subscribe! Writing, exercising, and spending time with family are among the activities I will pursue this month. I am also offering three free discovery calls.
1. Don't wait until January 1; start today by revising your goals. You don't have to wait until the new year to make resolutions. Every day the sun rises is an opportunity for you to restart.
I practice what I preach.
December began with reviewing my goals. Intense writing and workout sessions helped diffuse disappointment, acknowledge accomplishments, and clear neuropathways to move forward. I recognized the progress in some arenas and saw space for improvement in others.
But this isn’t about me.
How can you gain clarity by the end of 2023? You want to finish this year on a high note without smoking. Drinking your way into a drunken depression before 2024 is also something you want to avoid.
Is it possible to think clearly in an era with Trump politics, cryptocurrency fraud, and mass school shootings? Yes, I got you. Keep reading.
Prioritize your mental health. Make time to meditate, write, exercise, read, and spend time with family and friends. Do what your mind, body, and spirit crave to replenish, reset, and recover before January.
2. Process rage, explore sadness, recognize triumphs, and experience joy. With reflection and mindful efforts to stay present, you can be ready for 2024 when it arrives in three weeks.
Here’s a snippet of my reflection on running.

2023 turned out to be a big year for me on the roads. Among the highlights are two marathons, an ultramarathon, and multiple 10k races. One of my fitness goals for 2024 is to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
I am looking at races in May and June. Training resumes in the last month of January. I run during the off-season to prepare for upcoming strength and endurance building blocks of speed, long, and easy runs.
It’s hard to run 26.2 miles. It’s harder to run a marathon in less than 3:05:00. That’s the Boston qualifying mark for my age and gender.
But challenges make us stronger.
Ok, back to you, the reader who needs to recover and make progress.
3. Delegate more and receive less credit. Complex tasks can only break you if you’re unable or unwilling to divide them into smaller pieces. Sharing the load over the coming weeks doesn’t make you weaker; it makes you smarter.
Humility is a hallmark of solid leadership.
What will make 2023 a success for you? Yes, I still want you to answer that question. Use this weekend to work toward a satisfactory outcome. If Monday arrives, and you still can't define success, hop on a free discovery call with me.
Click this link to book a time on my calendar.
On February 1, I am opening two coaching slots for high-performing professionals looking for more balance between health, familial relationships, and work in 2024. Interested? Register at this link. If you’re unsure whether high-performance coaching is for you, subscribe to my list for more information.