Have you shaken the hand of Ms. Corona? About 617 million people worldwide have met the sweet, infectious disease. She visited my home last week.
Corona and I spent more than a few days together. Let me tell you all about her. Throughout the day, she likes to send you pain messages.
In the morning, she greets you with kisses of pain disguised as headaches, chills, and heat flashes. Then, around midday, she wraps you in covers and puts you down for a nap. And, of course, she tucks you into bed early at night.
If you've heard of but haven't met Corona, please do whatever you can to avoid her and any of her variant cousins. Wear masks in public spaces, wash your hands, exercise, eat healthy foods, and rest. If she stops by your house, it's not fun.
Three positions. Last week, I went from the bed to the yoga mat to the beach chair placed in the grass. After my post two weeks ago about the importance of movement to health and fitness, Corona forced me to sit down.
Who knew she would enter my house hidden in the smile of someone I love? My daughter caught Corona and then passed it to my wife. Selfishness is not a characteristic of the ladies in my home who shared the virus with me.
The boys somehow made it out unscathed.
I tested positive two Tuesdays ago. That morning I had a lingering headache when the campus nurse confirmed my status. By the time I made it home, I was exhausted and ready to sleep.
Corona tucked me into position #1 - the bed.
Two hours later, I was awake. After the bathroom, I settled into a child's pose on the yoga mat at the foot of my bed. Next, I remember being on my back and sliding into position # 2 for more sleep.
I repeated the shift from the bed to the bathroom to the yoga mat for the first twenty-four hours.
It wasn’t until hour thirty-two that I could add more movements. I walked around my yard to absorb the sun's healing vitamin D, but Corona shut me off from work. Trying to write by hand or on the computer was difficult. Online appointments and classes were unfathomable.
Corona forced me to end my four-year streak of not needing a sick day. The headaches that surfaced after looking at the screen for more than ten minutes were brutal. Imagine intense pressure spread over your head.
I thought my preventative spiritual practices, physical activities, and writing endeavors kept me strong. For two and a half years, I evaded Corona.
I wore my mask in public and cleaned my hands whenever possible. Yet, somehow Corona still managed to capture my family.
Because my wife and I were infected, Corona held us hostage in our bedroom. She made us talk and rely more on each other for an early escape. In isolation, we listened to YouTube videos, and Roblox games occupy the minds of our defenseless children. My wife defeated Corona first and then came to my rescue.
It was back to business this week. The children returned to school. My wife resumed her teaching post, and I rescheduled advising appointments.
I eased back into my workout routines.
A draft of this piece came to me during a recovery run on Sunday. In deep thought, I moved slowly along the island’s narrow roads. The vibrant colors of the leaves on the trees jumped out at me and said, “Seasons change. I am here today but will not always remain in this position. So keep it moving, and understand your temporary status also.”
I listened and eased the pace to savor the moment.
Then another voice whispered, “Dive deeper into your purpose, or I will find someone else. I sent Corona to remind you.”
We lost Coolio this week. The official cause of death for one of the influential emcees of the 90s has not been released. We only know it was his time.
Do you need the coronavirus or any other threat to motivate you to do more with the time you have today?
Keep Rona Caged, Dr. Lindsay. She has caused enough trouble. So glad you all are OK.