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Dear Kazo,

 A boy with a fruit.

It's your turn again! Congrats on making it to 11 years old this week. I hope you enjoyed your special day.

With our trip to Atlanta this year, you received several gifts early from family and friends. You have plenty to keep you entertained this summer.

I enjoy throwing the football to you and Emery. The routes you create often lead to catches fit for YouTube Shorts. Call Auntie Brittany and tell her thank you again for the gifts.

You and Emery need to do a better job of supporting each other. Your competitive spirits interfere with your abilities to enjoy the game. It's ok to play hard, but you and your brother need to improve at controlling your tempers.

In whatever sport you play, self-control is critical to victory. Does that make sense?

Put your emotions into the game, and you will perform better.

You're 11 years old with a raw talent for athletics. Listen to your parents and coaches; their instructions will guide you toward the opportunities of playing sports at the highest levels.

Your mother and I know you want to have a massive birthday bash this year. We need to keep things small through this season. With your brother starting a new school, an increase in swim fees, and other expenses, our budget can’t afford a huge party now.

Next year will be different. Your mother and I are working on creating more resources.

We hope you and your sister will make the OECS team in October. It will allow you to travel and learn about another country in the Caribbean islands. I know the early morning swim sessions are hard right now, but it will be worth it for you to earn a chance to swim again on the National Swim Team.  

A boy with a swim award.

Think about it. With the earlier swim class, you get more practice and time to yourself.

You’re learning how to do the hard stuff before you play. I learned about prioritizing difficult work much later in life. You're a step ahead of me but always behind during a foot race;)

You can beat me in the water, but not on the ground. Keep running, and one day, you will be faster than me. I will be 95, but you will be faster.

Ok, I will cut this letter short. Don’t let this be the only thing you read today. Take at least fifteen minutes and read one of your Jurassic Parks books.

I still remember the smile on your face when we visited the dinosaur art gallery in Atlanta. You were in complete awe of the fossils and crystals. I put the video clip of your reaction in this month’s vlog episode three times.

Did you see it? It’s copied for you below my name. Happy Birthday again!

I love you,







Aug 02, 2024

Kazo showed how to get a Hole In One, in spite of the doubters. Cool hair.

Replying to

Yes, he's a trooper!

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