Dear Kazo,
This weekend, you turn eight years old. Happy Birthday!
Time is moving almost as quickly as your legs in a race. This year, you, your brother, and your sister went to a football camp where the coaches nicknamed you "Likle Messi,” due to your size and speed. Kaz, you are fast, and I look forward to seeing how your skills develop in the years to come.
On this birthday, you want a Beyblade set. Unfortunately, it's not available in Antigua, and Amazon is the best option to get this toy on the island.
Will we get it for you? You will have to wait and see!
During your last week as a seven-year-old, you were not feeling well. On Monday, you had a stomach ache and decided to stay home from the camp. By the afternoon, you were almost back to feeling well, and then you vomited after a car ride.
The next morning you appeared fine, and we sent you back to camp for the field trip to Fort James Beach. You had a good time, and later that day, you returned to screaming
and playing with your brother and sister.
Before school starts, we will look into getting you and Emery on the football team. From the many stories you’ve shared with me over the summer, I know that you enjoyed practicing and playing with the other kids.
Zuri will continue swimming because, as you know, she loves to swim.
Have I told you today that I am grateful for you? You write a list of five things you are grateful for in life every day before touching the computer.
I want you to know that I am grateful for you.
You often respond right away when I ask you to do something. I can depend on you to complete a job. Keep up that respect for your parents, and you will do big things in life.
Baby boy, do your best to also listen to your teachers, coaches, and other adults. Know that in most cases, older people want what is best for you. If something doesn’t make sense, be sure to ask a question.
Never be afraid to use your voice.
Well, try not to scream as much around the house:)
Questions are how you learn. Questions are how you grow. Asking questions is how you get smarter and stronger.
This weekend I want you to read and play. I know you like watching anime shows and playing Roblox, but I also need you to enjoy learning from books. You can think and move better when you exercise your brain and body.
Ok, that's it for now. I love you, and happy birthday again, Kaz!
To read more essays and poems about fatherhood, buy my book, Dear Brother: 82 Powerful Poems to Guide Your Journey to Healthy Black Masculinity.